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The Scientific Opinion" № 11 (Historical sciences and archaeology, political science), 2015

DOMESTICATION OF REINDEER IN CHUKOTKA BASED ON THE MATERIALS OF V. G. BOGORAZ (commemorating the 150th anniversary of the birth)

E. A. Davydova, V. N. Davydov
Price: 50 руб.
 The article analyses the ethnographic data of V. G. Bogoraz on Chukchi reindeer herding, which allow considering domestication of reindeer not only as a historical fact, but as an ongoing process, where the line between “wild” and “domesticated” is not clearly defined and continually changes in the context of human-animal relations.
Key words: Chukchi, reindeer herding, human-animal relations, domestication.
1. Bogoraz V. G. Material’naya kul’tura chukchey. M.: Nauka, 1991.
2. Bogoraz V. G. Ocherk material’nogo byta olennykh chukchey, sostavlennyi na osnovanii kollektsiy N. L. Gondatti, nakhodyashchikhsya v Etnograficheskom muzeye Imperatorskoy Akademii nauk // Sbornik muzeya arkheologii i etnografii. 1901. T. 1. Vyp. II.
3. Bogoraz V. G. Chukchi: Ch. 1. L.: Izd-vo Instituta narodov Severa TsIK SSSR. 1934.
4. Bogoraz V. G. Chukchi: Ch. 2. Religiya. L.: Izd-vo Glavsevmorputi. 1939.
5. Davydov V. N. Ot dikogo k domashnemu: strategii domestikatsii olenya v Severnom Zabaykal’ye // Radlovskiy sbornik. Nauchnye issledovaniya i muzeynye proekty MAE RAN v 2013 g. / otv. red. Yu. K. Chistov. SPb.: MAE RAN, 2014. S. 365–371.
6. Sibirskiy sbornik — 4: Grani sotsial’nogo: Antropologicheskie perspektivy issledovaniya sotsial’nykh otnosheniy i kul’tury: Pamyati rossiyskogo etnografa-tungusoveda Nadezhdy Vsevolodovny Yermolovoy / otv. red. V. N. Davydov, D. V. Arzyutov. SPb.: MAE RAN, 2014.
7. Sirina A. A. Evenki i eveny v sovremennom mire: samosoznanie, prirodopol’zovanie, mirovozzrenie. M.: Vostochnaya Literatura, 2012.
8. Bogoraz V. G. The Chukchee: Material culture // The Jesup North Pacific Expedition: Memoir of the American Museum of Natural History. 1904. Vol. 7.
9. Davydov V. N. Coming Back to the Same Places: The Ethnography of Human-Reindeer Relations in the Northern Baikal Region // Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics. 2014. Vol. 8, No. 2. Р. 7–32.
10. Ingold T. Reindeer economies: and the Origins of Pastoralism // Anthropology Today. 1986. Т. 2, №. 4. С. 5–10.
11. Safonova T., Sántha I. Stories about Evenki People and their Dogs: Communication through Sharing Contexts // Animism in Rainforest and Tundra: Personhood, Animals, Plants and Things in Contemporary Amazonia and Siberia. 2012. Р. 82–95.
12. Stépanoff C. Human-animal “Joint Commitment” in a Reindeer Herding System // HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory. 2012. Т. 2, №. 2. Р. 287–312.
13. Vaté V. Building a Home for the Hearth: Analysis of a Chukchi Reindeer Herding Ritual //About the Hearth: Perspectives on the Home, Hearth and Household in the Circumpolar North. 2013. P. 183–199.
14. Vaté V. Dwelling in the Landscape among the Reindeer Herding Chukchis of Chukotka // Landscape and Culture in Northern Eurasia. Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press, 2011. P. 135–159.
Price: 50 рублей
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