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The Scientific Opinion" №11 (Art history, philology and culturology), 2015


К. P. Musat
Price: 50 руб.
 The article covers the complex interaction of the approaches aimed at studying of the system and structure of the artistic world view. The author finds out that the formation of its complexity involves art, philosophical world outlook, sociocultural and aesthetic spheres of knowledge. Therefore, the reconstruction of the system integrity of the artistic world view is related to the interaction of different approaches: rational and irrational, systemic, structural and functional, structural and dialectic. The author recommends to apply the complicated construct of methods according to the principle of multilevel integration, which is capable to reveal all cuts of systemacity at the same time at the level of structure, at the level of intersubject communications, and at the level of contacts with the world around.
Key words: аrtistic world view, system integrity, rational and irrational system, structural and functional approach, inseparability of the form and content, structural and dialectical approach, integrative approach.
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Price: 50 рублей
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