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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 14 (Art history, philology and historical sciences), 2015

Principle of Contrast as a Basis of Poetics in the Works by Lyidmila Ulitskaya (A Case Study of the «Green Tent» Novel)

M. V. Tiurina
Price: 50 руб.
 This scholarly paper for the fi rst time reviews the contentn of the concept of “Imago” in the central characters of the novel. The author determines the importance of the principle of contrast in the system of poetic imagery, such as portrait description, litotes, antonomasia, reminiscences and quotes from the Russian poetry of the 20th century. The author argues that the introduction of antinomical types in fiction is a feature
of poetic content not only of the “Green Tent”. Rather, it is a general characteristic of Lyudmila Ulitskaya’s writings, especially of her novels and small prose.
Keywords: litotes, antonomasia, reminiscences, contrast, “imago”, typology of heroes, characterizing means of imagery, poetic tools, the interrelationship of symbolism and methaphorics.
1. Vukolova V. S. Funktsional’nost’ intertekstual’nogo teksta v romane L. Ulitskoy
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2. Glazkova M. M. Sredstva vyrazheniya kontseptual’nogo smysla v romane
L. Ulitskoy «Zelenyi shater» / M. M. Glazkova, I. M. Popova // Sovremennye problemy
filologii: materialy II Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy internet-konferentsii 16 aprelya 2012 g. / FGBOU VPO Tambovskiy gosudarstvennyi tekhnicheskiy
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3. Glazkova M. M. «Tsitatnost’» kak sposob vyrazheniya avtorskoy pozitsii v romane
«Zelenyi shater» L. Ulitskoy. Leytmotiv «imago» / M. M. Glazkova, I. M. Popova //
Kontsept. 2014. Spetsvypusk № 13. ART 14653. URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2014/14653.
4. Gubanova T. V. Ironicheskiy modus v rasskazakh L. Ulitskoy // Sovremennye
problemy filologii: materialy II Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy internetkonferentsii 16 aprelya 2012 g. / FGBOU VPO Tambovskiy gosudarstvennyi
tekhnicheskiy universitet. Tambov: Izd-vo Pershina R. V., 2012. S. 9–13.
5. Gubanova T. V. Povestvovatel'naya strategiya L. Ulitskoy v knige «Lyudi nashego
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6. Popova I. M. Kontseptual'nost' vyrazheniya «poeziya — vorovannyi vozdukh» v
romane L. E. Ulitskoy «Zelyonyi shatyor» / I. M. Popova, T. V. Gubanova // Kontsept.
2014. Spetsvypusk № 13. ART 14665. URL: http://e-kon cept.ru/2014/14665.htm
7. Popova I. M. Intertekstual'naya interpretatsiya «slova» N. A. Radishcheva i
O. E. Mandel'shtama v tvorchestve L. Ulitskoy (na materiale romana «Zelenyi shater») //
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G. R. Derzhavina, 2014. Vyp. 5. S. 195–202.
8. Popova I. M. Aksiologicheskiy potentsial pretsedentnykh fenomenov poezii
M. Voloshina v tvorchestve L. E. Ulitskoy (na materiale romana «Zelenyi shater») /
I. M. Popova, V. S. Vostrikova // Kontsept. 2014. Spetsvypusk № 13. ART 14666. URL:
9. Popova I. M. «Ne v podvorotne zhivem, a v istorii…» Literaturotsentrichnost’
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I. M. Popova, O. V. Maksimova // Kontsept. 2014. Spetsvypusk № 13. ART 14668.
URL: http://e-koncept.ru/2014/14668.htm
10. Presnyakova N. V. Printsipy postroeniya sistemy personazhey v romane Lyudmily
Ulitskoy «Zelyonyi shatyor» // Filologicheskaya nauka v usloviyakh diversifikatsii
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17 noyabrya 2013 g.). Komsomol'sk-na-Amure: AmGPGU, 2014. S. 95–101.
11. Ulitskaya L. E. Zelenyi shater. M.: Eksmo, 2011. 592 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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