B. A. Titov, N. S. Yavlenskaya
Price: 50 руб.
The article examines the socialisation of children, adolescents and youth as a complex
ongoing process occurring on the biological, psychological and social levels. In this
regard, on the one hand, needs of an individual are adapted to public needs (or rejected). On the other hand, society shapes morality and behaviour, pedagogically appropriate forms of coexistence, relationships within a family, at school, leisure institutions and in other social environments. The article examines the biological, psychological and socio-pedagogical levels of socialisation. Based on the empirical research, the authors define bioenergetic (prenatal), identificational, correctional, expansive, conventional and conceptual stages of socialisation of children, adolescents and young adults.
Key words: personality socialisation, personality’s sphere of needs and motivation,
functions of development of individuals and society, levels of personality socialisation
(biological, psychological, and socio-pedagogical), stages of socialisation of children,
adolescents and youth (bioenergetic, identificational, correctional, expansive,
conventional, conceptual), stages of socialisation.
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