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"The Scientific Opinion" № 8 (Historical, sociological and economic sciences), 2015


E. A. Trofimov
Price: 50 руб.
 The research subject is the formation of the “upper chamber” of the Russian parliament
and its influence on the effectiveness of Russian federalism. The formation of bicameralism is considered as an important factor of the enforcement of political and
territorial integrity of Russian policy. It is pointed out that the change in the Federation
Council formation mechanism after 2012 did not dispose of the existing disadvantages
regarding the separation of powers and the international law provisions, it increased the
presidential and “parapresidential” structures’ influence on this process, by giving it the
democratic direction as a mere formality. The author comes to a conclusion that the new
mechanism of the “upper chamber” formation is similar to Asian policies, characterised
as unstable ones. The increase of the Russian President’s influence on the Federation
Council contradicts the institutional and functional role of the “upper chamber” of the
Russian parliament, it lowers the operating effect of the government and it encourages
the initiation of separatism in regions.
Key words: monocentrism, parliament, bicameralism, federalism, authoritarianism,
president, region, regional parliament, executive authorities.
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Price: 50 рублей
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