D. A. Fedorov
Price: 50 руб.
The article discusses the genesis of grammatical education in the Roman Republic
as one of the least studied pages in the history of pedagogy. Analysing the trends and
personalities that contributed to the development of the Roman grammatical pedagogy
in the Roman Republic, the author concludes that even under the absence of the
government’s interest in educational activities, a number of enthusiastic teachers of the
2 nd –1 st centuries BC managed to lay a solid foundation for inter-generational transfer of knowledge about reading and writing, which, in turn, greatly contributed to the development of actual universal literacy, which was an essential cultural achievement of the ancient civilisation. Conclusions made in the article may be of interest to specialists in the history of pedagogy.
Key words: history of pedagogy, education, teachers in antiquity, schools, Ancient
Rome, Roman Republic.
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