T. N. Ischenko
Price: 50 руб.
The research looks into the philosophical and methodological foundations of the teach-
ing form meeting the problems of the education process. Based on philosophical, psy-
chological, didactic grounds of the teaching form, the author reveals its content, origins
and developmental stages, as well as its contradictions and methodological role. The
author considers the conditions of shaping of the effi cient teaching form and its infl u-
ence on the cognitive process, and reveals the requirements for the teaching form. Thus, on the one hand, the teaching form is a means of resolution of major contradictions in education, and on the other hand, a means of evolvement into a personality whose aim is to support reproduction and creation of culture. The author of the article contours philosophical and methodological foundations of the teaching form, bearing in mind that the latter could be both defi nite and fl exible at the same time, being able to adapt to initially established goals and current conditions.
Key words: cognition, teaching form, method of cognition, theoretical thinking,
notions formation, dialectical method, problematic issue.
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