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A. O. Tananykhina
Price: 50 руб.
 The article is devoted to the study of the chronotope in fairy-fantasy texts of different
genres. It is asserted that there are two different worlds in all magic fairy-fantasy texts –
the real-life and magic worlds. The author proves that there is a distinct border between
these two worlds in magic folk fairy tales, the real-life world is evaluated positively
whereas the magic world is appraised negatively. There is a defi nite border between the two worlds in literary fairy tales as well, but there is some kind of penetration of the
magic world into the real-life world. The real-life world here is often evaluated in a neg-
ative way and the magic world is appraised positively. Modern fairy-fantasy texts of dif-
ferent genres are characterised by the diffusion of the magic world through the real-life
world, and the axiology of the worlds is close to the axiology of magic folk fairy tales..
Key words: chronotop, folk fairy-tale, literary fairy-tale, fairy love-story novel, fairy
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Price: 50 рублей
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