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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №9 (Art history, philology and historical sciences), 2014.

Cosmos Images in Semantic System of Architecture of Russian Modern

E. A. Tro fi mova
Price: 50 руб.
 Cosmism of Silver Age was an important factor in the architectural style-setting and aesthetic-artistic form. This was evident in the openness of life, innovation, organicism and the ability of vertical world modeling. Manifestations of cosmism as cultural universals in the Art Nouveau style enable us to construct large architectural space of this era and zone entire cities. Russian modernist architecture has created a new kind of synthesis of the arts; it not only developed a deep structural, tectonic, practical, utilitarian tasks for residential buildings, but also embodied the spiritual values and quests of this era.
Key words: Cosmic Art, Art Nouveau, Art Nouveau architecture, symbol, urban environment, the Silver Age.
1. Borisova E. A., Sternin G. Yu. Russkiy modern. M., 1990. 360 s.
2. Grigor’yev Apollon. Stikhotvoreniya. Poema. Proza // Sochineniya: v 2 t. M.,
1990. T. 1. 607 s.
3. Kirikov B. M. Arkhitektura Peterburga kontsa XIX – nachala XX veka. Eklektika.
Modern. Neoklassitsizm. SPb., 2006. 448 s.
4. Ornament stilya Modern / sost. i avtor predisl. V. I. Ivanovskaya. M.: Izd-vo «V.
Shevchuk», 2007.
5. Sarab’yanov D. V. Stil’ Modern. Istoki. Istoriya. Problemy. M.: Iskusstvo, 1989.
294 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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