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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №9 (Art history, philology and historical sciences), 2014.

Information Approach in Evaluation of Society's Collective Consciousness Level

A. L. Vislenko
Price: 50 руб.
 The interrelationship between the size of an ethnic group of various types and a level of its collective consciousness is considered from the point of view of the theory of information; the sequence “tribe —people —nation” is explored. The author presents a classi fi cation of the form of association in group depending on their size. It is demonstrated that each ethnic-social form possesses a speci fi c content of their collective consciousness.
Key words: collective consciousness, ethnos, culture, the information, connections.
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8. MacLean E. L., Sandel A. A., Bray J., Oldenkamp. R. E, Reddy R. B., et al. (2013)
Group Size Predicts Social but Not Nonsocial Cognitions in Lemurs. PloS One 8(6):
e66359. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066359.
Price: 50 рублей
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