S. M. Baluev
Price: 50 руб.
The article presents a study of N. I. Gnedich’s (1784—1833) views on the development of the Russian art. The author shows some aspects of the creative personality of N. I. Gnedich as an art critic, which opens new perspectives in studying the principles of
Gnedich’s art criticism.
Key words: Russian art criticism of the 19th century, N. I. Gnedich, K. N. Batyushkov,
the exhibition in the Academy of Arts of 1820.
1. B. a. [Gnedich N. I.]. Akademiya Khudozhestv. Sentyabrya 7, 1820 // Syn otechestva. 1820. Ch. 64, № 38. S. 205–226; № 39. S. 255–277; № 40. S. 299–316.
2. Ivan Falotov [K. N. Batyushkov]. Progulka v Akademiyu Khudozhestv. Pis’mo
starogo Moskovskogo zhitelya k priyatelyu, v derevnyu N // Syn otechestva. 1814. Ch.
18, № 49. S. 121–132; № 50. S. 161–176; № 51. S. 201–215.
3. Kaufman R. S. Ocherki istorii russkoy khudozhestvennoy kritiki. Ot Konstantina
Batyushkova do Aleksandra Benua. M.: Iskusstvo, 1990.
4. Naryshkina N. A. Khudozhestvennaya kritika pushkinskoy pory. L.: Khudozhnik
RSFSR, 1987.
5. Printseva G. A. Nikolay Ivanovich Utkin. L.: Iskusstvo, 1983.