M. N. Baryshnikov
Price: 50 руб.
This article explores the relationship between Prokudin-Gorsky’s scienti fi c views and the effectiveness of his participation in the business life of the Russian Empire in the early 20th century. Particular focus is on the analysis of institutional innovations that
affected the effectiveness of the research initiatives of ProkudinGorsky in the context of a specifi c economic and social situation in Russia. Central to the work is the analysis of an interplay between individual and group interests from their economic, organizational and socio-cultural perspective.
Keywords: S. M. ProkudinGorsky, interests, studies, photographs, business,
industry, company.
1. Aktsionerno-paevye predpriyatiya Rossii: Torgovo-promyshlennye, fabrichnozavodskie i torgovye predpriyatiya. Aktsionernye banki / pod obshch. red. V. V. Lavrova. M.: M. Lavrov, 1917. 613 s.
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5. Garanina S. P. Sergey Mikhaylovich Prokudin-Gorskiy // Dostoprimechatel’nosti
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6. Gatchinskiy zavod A. S. Lavrova. 25 let sushchestvovaniya zavoda. 1876–1901.
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7. Gindin I. F. Banki i ekonomicheskaya politika v Rossii (XIX – nachalo XX v.).
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9. Pis’mo redaktsii zhurnala «Argus» (21 avgusta 1914 g.). Pg.: Tip. R. Golike i
A. Vil’borg, 1911. 3 s.
10. Prokudin-Gorskiy S. M. Izo-khromaticheskaya s’yomka momental’nymi ruchnymi kamerami. SPb.: Tipogra fi ya zhurnala «Samokat», 1903. 29 s.
11. Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyi istoricheskiy arkhiv (RGIA). Fond 23. Opis’ 13.
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12. RGIA. Fond 23. Opis’ 13. Delo 1409.
13. RGIA. Fond 23. Opis’ 24. Delo 196.
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15. RGIA. Fond 1049. Opis’ 1. Delo 66.
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17. Ustav aktsionernogo obshchestva «Biokhrom». (1913). SPb.: Tovarishchestvo
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20. Chudesa fotografi i: vosstanovlenie fotografi cheskogo naslediya S. M. ProkudinaGorskogo // Sayt Biblioteki kongressa SShA. URL: http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/empire/chronology-ru.html