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"The Scientific Opinion" № 11 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014


E. A. Ilinskaya
Price: 50 руб.
 The relevance of studying time as a mental category of culture is caused by a necessity of re-thinking the current sociocultural development in the context of globalisation processes and intercultural integration. The research object is a mental-temporal component of culture. The basic methods of work are: aristotelian, systematic, structuralfunctional and comparative analytical methods; historism, objectivity and contextuality approaches. The academic novelty lies in the validation of the idea that the mentaltemporal component is a fractal pattern of culture. The work results are interesting for experts in cultural studies.
Key words: time category, culture, mentality, mental-temporal component, culture
universals, fractal patterno.
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7. Bozhokin S. V., Parshin D. A. Fraktaly i mul’tifraktaly. Izhevsk: KKhDYu 2001. 128 s.
8. Stepin V. S. Smena tipov nauchnoy ratsional’nosti // Sinergetika i psikhologiya. Vyp. 1.
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9. Khaytun S. D. Ot ergodicheskoy gipotezy k fraktal’noy kartine mira. M.: Komkniga, 2007. 256 s.f culture.
Price: 50 рублей
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