E. L. Aleksandrova
Price: 50 руб.
The research is devoted to the phenomenon of musical style. This fundamental category
is viewed in terms of pattern-background relations in the Romantic piano texture. The
author considers the substantive aspects of the Romantic style in piano music and reveals stylistic features of the great romantic composer F. Chopin, compared to his less known contemporary S. Heller.
Key words: style, pattern-background relations, Romantic piano music, F. Chopin,
S. Heller.
1. Aleksandrova E. L. Faktura kak proyavlenie otnosheniy rel’yefa i fona (na materiale fortepiannoy
muzyki avstro-nemetskogo romantizma): dissertatsiya na soiskanie uch. stepeni kandidata iskusstvovedeniya.
L., 1988. 230 s.
2. Vel’fl in G. Osnovnye ponyatiya istorii iskusstv. Problema evolyutsii stilya v novom iskusstve. M.-L.:
Academia, 1930. 290 s.
3. Mikhaylov M. K. Stil’ v muzyke. Issledovanie. L.: Muzyka, 1981. 262 s.
4. Ruch’yevskaya E. A. Funktsii muzykal’noy temy. L.: Muzyka, 1971. 160 s.
5. Tarabra D. Stili v iskusstve: ot romantiki do moderna. M.: Omega, 2009. 384 s.