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"The Scientific Opinion" № 11 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014


M. R. Zobova, A. F. Rodukov
Price: 50 руб.
 The traditional and, at the same time, fruitful theory of historical and philosophical
process (dating back to the dialectics of Georg Hegel and Karl Marx) needs to be
developed on the basis of synergy as a general scientifi c conception of self-organisation of dissipative information structures. Scientifi c discoveries and researches in the second half of the 20th century result in a fundamental shift of the core of philosophical problems from the relation of thinking and being to the relation of order and chaos. Besides the “dissipative structure”, “order” and “chaos”, a number of “paired” categories of synergistic historicism and acmeology is involved for the fi rst time for understanding the history of philosophy.
Key words: synergy, dissipative information structure, order and chaos, integration
and differentiation, acme and katabole, hierarchisation and dehierarchisation,
deconstructionism, postmodernism..
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2. Busov S. V., Zobova M. R. Sotsial’naya sinergetika – proryv v budushcheye // Nauchnoe mnenie:
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3. Knyazeva E. N. Sluchaynost’, kotoraya tvorit mir. Novye predstavleniya o samoorganizatsii v prirode
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«Filosofi ya i zhizn’»). № 7. S. 3–31.
4. Mandevil’ B. Basnya o pchelakh. M.: Mysl’, 1974. 375 s.
5. Pozharskiy S. D. Akmeologiya i katabologiya: teoriya sovershenstvovaniya cheloveka. SPb.: Izd-vo
«LEMA», 2013. 266 s.
6. Polyankina S. Yu. Kategorii sotsial’noy integratsii i differentsiatsii v kategorial’nom apparate fi losofi
i obrazovaniya // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Seriya «Filosofi ya. Psikhologiya. Sotsiologiya». Perm’.
2013. S. 66–74.
7. Sinergeticheskaya fi losofi ya istorii / pod red. V. P. Branskogo i S. D. Pozharskogo. Ryazan’: «Kopi-
Print», 2009. 314 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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