Price: 50 руб.
Facing the severe competition on the periodicals market, Chinese travel magazines as one of the numerous media types should constantly increase their competitiveness in pursuit of their influence, in order to meet the world standards. With the continuous development of China’s economy and society, a lot of changes in people’s lives happened. The modern tourism industry of China is a booming business nowadays. In these conditions travel magazines operate in a severe competitive climate, and not all of them have become competitive. Today’s travel magazines are developing in two directions: the first group provides travel information, the second one is more focused on cultural heritage and landscape.
Key words: travel periodicals, travel magazines, media communication, development
situation, marketing.
1. Gao Ling. O ob’yektakh i osobennostyakh sovremennykh turisticheskikh izdaniy. Perspektivy //
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2. Zhu Debing, Tian Gohua. Chetyre amerikanskikh zhurnalov puteshestviy obzor // Spravochnoe
izdanie. 2001.
3. U Youybing. Stanovlenie turisticheskikh izdaniy i ikh potentsial // Izdatel’skiy krugozor. 2002 (4).