The austere beauty of images in Tibetan Buddhism is based primarily on the continuous iconometric tradition, therefore the classical “Three Canons and One Commentary” is an essential element showing the national, religious, regional, historical and aesthetic character of Tibetan Buddhist art and Tibetan national traditional pictorial art. It contains the basic principles that let Tibetan Buddhist art become an independent kind of art that has been passed on till now. This text gives concisely the metric rules contained in the basic classical theoretical works comprising “Three Canons and One Commentary” (“Canon of Buddhist Image Standards”, “Canon of Image Standards”, “Image Drawing” and “Commentary on the Canon of Buddhist Image Standards”).
1. Kange San’isi. Istoriya izobrazitel’nogo iskusstva tibettsev. Natsional’noe izdatel’stvo provintsii
Sychuan’, 2005.
2. Kanon mer buddiyskikh izobrazheniy. URL:
3. Aychzhebu, perevedennyi Kambutama-Dordzhe i perevodchikom-nastavnikom Dzhaba G’yaltsenom
«Kanon mer izobrazheniy». URL:
4. Chzhayandan’ Sizhao. Tibetskoe religioznoe iskusstvo / per. Se Syuyshena. Lkhasa, Narodnoe
izdatel’stvo Tibeta, 1997.
5. Risovanie obrazov. URL:
6. Gunbu Dzhabu. Kommentariy k kanonu mer buddiyskikh izobrazheniy. URL:
7. Ma Tszyshu. Znat’ i uvazhat’ nasledie nematerial’noy kul’tury. Muzey Kitaya, 2004.