A. I. Pawlowskiy
Price: 50 руб.
In the article analyzes the models of value orientations of Kluckhohn-Strodtbeck and of
G. Hofstede, based on which to build a system of three fundamental axiological oppositions on which to classify the world cultures. As such, they are: individualism - community, hierarchy – equality, orientations on the development of material nature and on the service to the ideals of extrasensory.
Key words: value orientations, individualism, community, hierarchy.
1. Hofstede G. Cultures and organizations: Software of the Mind. Intercultural Cooperation and is Importance
for Survival. London: Harper Collins Publishers, 1994. 280 p.
2. Kluckhohn F. R., Strodtbeck F. L. Variations in value orientations. Row: Peterson, 1961. 437 p.