M. E. Masleyeva
Price: 50 руб.
The questions on the role of tonal development, principles of tonal dramatic art in works of any significant composer are among the most relevant issues in musicology. It is quite natural that they are considered in the course of studying of Miliy Alekseyevich Balakirev’s works. The article describes an attempt to define the circle of “favourite” tonalities of the composer as a result of the analysis of several indicative compositions (special attention is given to romances and songs). The author’s statements and materials of scientific researchers are used as proofs. The following kinds of tonal relations are revealed in the course of the analysis: various tertian correlations, four-fifth correlations with the opposition of the tonic and subdominant spheres, interaction of parallel keys and tonalities with the same third. The role of direct opposition of centres relating to the flat and sharp spheres is underlined. Works simultaneously revealing several principles of tonal organisation are considered separately.
Key words: M. A. Balakirev, tonality, style, tonal principles, style ideas, figurative
treatment, tonal correlation, semantics.
1. Zaytseva T. A. Miliy Alekseyevich Balakirev: Istoki. SPb.: «Kanon», 2000. 436 s.
2. Zolotarev V. Vospominaniya o moikh velikikh uchitelyakh i tovarishchakh: avtobiograf. ocherk / pod
red. V. N. Rimskogo-Korsakova. M.: Muzgiz, 1957. 235 s.