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"The Scientific Opinion" № 10 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

Formati on of the sonata semanti c features wit hin the historical evoluti on of the genre: Classical period

R. G. Shitikova
Price: 50 руб.
 The article continues to deal with the identification of the sonata genre on the basis of the concept of “semantic indication” that integrates the most typical, fundamental features inherent in a particular genre and helps to make its information portrait. (The first part was published in the September issue of “The Scientific Opinion” Journal [17]). Using the example of sonatas of the Classical period, the author shows the development of the semantic features system in the Baroque musical culture, reveals the changes in their substantive filling and ranging and proves the appearance of new attributive properties that significantly enriched the invariant of the genre.
Key words: genre, instrumental music, sonata, semantic indication, Classicism.
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17. Shitikova R. G. Formirovanie semanticheskikh priznakov sonaty v protsesse istoricheskoy evolyutsii
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Price: 50 рублей
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