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"The Scientific Opinion" № 10 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

Philosophic and natural scienti fic concepts of personalit y formati on

E. V. Kurakina
Price: 50 руб.
 The article analyses the process of personality structure formation. The author considers theories stating that personality development is mainly influenced by impulsive internal processes and personality theories based on the concept that people always follow the path of maximum internal consistency.
Key words: structure, personality, self-concept, identity, self-awareness, self-esteem.
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1986. 416 s.
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3. Kon I. S. Sotsiologiya lichnosti. M.: Nauka, 1967. 345 s.
4. Kuli Ch. Kh. Chelovecheskaya priroda i sotsial’nyi poryadok. M.: Ideya-Press, 2000. 39 s.
5. Tolstykh A. Opyt konkretno-istoricheskoy psikhologii lichnosti. SPb.: «Aletey’ya», 2000. 228 s.
6. Freyd Z. «Ya» i «Ono». M.: AST, 2011.160 s.
7. Fromm E. Chelovek dlya sebya. M.: AST, 2008. 320 s.
8. Kh’yell L., Zigler D. Teorii lichnosti: osnovnye polozheniya, issledovaniya i primenenie. SPb.: Piter
Press, 1997. 608 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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