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"The Scientific Opinion" № 10 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2014

Yakut milit ary blessings (algyses)

L. S. Yefimova, P. A. Sleptsov
Price: 50 руб.
 The article gives special attention to Yakut (Sakha) military blessings (“algyses” in
Yakut). This completely new study is based on published texts and materials of Olonkho – the Yakut heroic epos. The author suggests subdividing Yakut blessing into three groups. The first one consists of Yakut blessings that are performed before battles. The second group is made up of blessings performed during battles. The third group comprises blessings performed after battles. The study showed that the Kalmyk are the only people among the Turkic-Mongolian peoples that have military blessing ceremonies close to Yakut ones in their purpose and content.
Key words: algys, military ceremony, Udagan woman, shaman, Olonkho, tale.
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12. Uurastyyrap Kүnnүk. Toyon D’aђaryma. Yakutskay: Sakha sirineeђi kinige izd-ta, 1959. 323 s.
13. Khudyakov I. A. Kratkoe opisanie Verkhoyanskogo okruga. L.: Izd-vo «Nauka» Leningradskoe
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14. Erilik Eristiin. Buura Dokhsun. D’okuuskay: Bichik, 1993. 416 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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