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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №8, 2014

An Approach to Design Thesis Papers in Software Engineering

D. V. Koznov, D. M. Nikolaeva
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper describes a method to develop thesis papers on software engineering and control their quality. The method is a course template for fi nal year students (undergraduate and graduate ones) to be delivered by university departments interested in a higher quality of students’ texts. Primary tools employed are mind maps: students make their thesis paper plans, have them approved by their advisors and course lecturer, and create fi rst drafts of their theses. The paper describes the course structure and techniques used. The method was used in 2011–2013 by the department of software engineering, St. Petersburg State University. We present measurements of paper quality for our department theses before (2007-2009) and after the course was introduced (2011–2013).

software engineering, mind maps, documentation, thesis.

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Price: 50 рублей
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