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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №8, 2014

Plastometric Testing of Rheological Property of 20MnB4 and 30MnB4 Micro-Addition Cold Upsetting Steels and C45 and C70 High-Carbon-Steels

S. Sawicki, H. Dyja, A. Kawalek
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper presents the method for determining the real steel workhardening curves based on the cylindrical specimen compression test. Steels with micro-additions for cold upsetting (20MnB4, 30MnB4) and selected high-carbon steels of carbon content
from 0,45 to 0,73 % (C42D ÷ C76D) were chosen as a subject of testing. The tests were carried out using the physical simulator of metallurgical processes GLEEBLE 3800 within the temperature range of 700 ÷ 1200°C and the strain rate range of 0,1 ÷ 50,0s-1. Mathematical processing, i.e. digital fi ltration and approximation of the testing results obtained, based on plastic deformation parameters recorded during the experiment, will be performed. Then, actual values of the numerical models coeffi cients for the rheological properties of the tested materials will be determined by the inverse method.

plastometer testing, determination of curves strengthening, steels, 20MnB4, 30MnB4, C45, C70
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5. Knapiński, M., Dyja, H., Kawałek, A., Frączek, T., Laber, K. Analysis of the
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6. Knapiński, M., Dyja, H., Kawałek, A., Kwapisz, M., Koczurkiewicz, B. Physical
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Price: 50 рублей
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