Sz. А. Berski, H. Dyja, T. Bajor
Price: 50 руб.
The given paper focuses on the analysis of the equal channel angular extrusion (ECAE) process of magnesium billet with diameter 15mm and length 100mm at temperature 300 C in the die with channels at the angle of 90 degrees. The comparison of the deformation in the traditional ECAE tool which provides the constant area of the material cross section with the deformation in the modified tool has shown that the reduction of cross section area in the vertical channel allows getting the additional deformation and a calibration process for next drawing operations. After the extrusion process the drawing process with several passes and interoperative heat treatment was conducted. As a result of combining these two plastic working processes a magnesium wire with 1 mm diameter with UFG structure and proper mechanical properties was obtained.
Keywords: ECAE, wire drawing, UFG structure.
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