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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 7, 2014

Psychometric Analysis of the «Attitudes Towards Statistics and Concerns Regarding the Study of Statistics” (OSTI) Questionnaire

A. A. Alexeyev, E. P. Kazikova, E. S. Talasbayeva, V. V. Shevelev
Price: 50 руб.
The article highlights the results of the psychometric analysis of the «Attitude towards statistics and concern regarding study of statistics” (OSTI) questionnaire, which is
a Russian language version of the STARS questionnaire. The so-called “fear of statistics” phenomenon and the methods of its measurement are being explored. Authors present a comparison of the psychometric parameters of OSTI with
the relevant STARS characteristics, which permits to reveal the specifi cs of the attitudes of Russian students towards study of statistics, as well as outline measures for the further improvement of OSTI questionnaire.
Keywords: OSTI and STARS questionnaires, fear of statistics, study of statistics by students, concern, psychometric analysis of OSTI.
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Price: 50 рублей
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