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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 7, 2014

Russian Animalistic Art of 18th–20th Centuries in Various Genres of Visual Art, Its Place and Role in the General Artistic Process

I. V. Portnova
Price: 50 руб.
The article analyzes Russian animalistic art within a range of other genres. It emphasizes that the animalistic genre, having its own self-sustained value, was historically predetermined and occupies its own niche within the system of the Russian art of the 18th-20th centuries. The author reviews the history of various genres and the place of animalistic art among them and explores the role of the Academy of the Arts in formation of various genres and their signifi cance in society.
Keywords: animalistic genre, hierarchy, depiction of animals, landscape paintings,
Academy of the Arts, “portrait of a horse”, historical genre.
1. Gavrilova E. I. Russkiy risunok XVIII veka. L.: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1983. 204 s.
2. Yevangulova O. S. Izobrazitel’noe iskusstvo v Rossii pervoy chetverti XVIII v.
Problema stanovleniya khudozhestvennykh printsipov Novogo vremeni. M.: MGU,
1987. 294 s.
3. Zapiski Yakoba Shtelina ob izyashchnykh iskusstvakh v Rossii. M.: Iskusstvo,
1990. T. 1. 896 s.
4. Portnova I. V. Obraz vsadnika v russkom izobrazitel’nom iskusstve XVIII — pervoy
poloviny XIX veka // Vestnik Orlovskogo universiteta. Seriya: novye gumanitarnye
issledovaniya. Orel. 2012. № 2. S. 260–264.
5. Urvanov I. F. Kratkoe rukovodstvo k poznaniyu risovaniya i zhivopisi istoricheskogo
roda. SPb., 1793. 59 s.
6. Yakovleva N. A. Zhanry russkoy zhivopisi. L..: Izdanie LGPI im. A. I. Gertsena,
1986. 83 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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