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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 7, 2014

New Challenges in the Determination of Qualitative Criteria for Higher Education Programs in the Light of National And Industrial Trends

S. A. Bannikov
Price: 50 руб.
Development of modern educational technologies, acceleration of information exchange and the resultant proliferation of qualifi cation criteria on labor markets present new systemic demands to the higher and professional education. At the same time, a dynamic process of integration and harmonization of educational systems generates new challenges to the methods of implementation and quality control of educational programs. There is an intrinsic need to create new forms and methods for the implementation of educational programs, including the application of the open educational resources concept, as well as through the formation of innovative infrastructure in the area of education, which would be instrumental in forging
a closer bond between sectors of economy and educational programs.
Keywords: knowledgedriven economy, national qualifi cation framework, industrial
qualifi cation framework, open educational resources, current trends in education,
qualitative educational criteria, educational programs.
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Price: 50 рублей
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