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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 7, 2014

Formation of the Modern Concept of Justice

N. I. Kudrinskaya
Price: 50 руб.
The author interprets the notion of “justice“ as a category of the philosophical continuum. The article explains the methods of formation of justice in modern practice within two different approaches. The main direction of research is the advancement of justice in modern society through social, ethical and cultural norms, laws, and assuming responsibility for decision-making. The second approach in the research
of the “justice” category focuses on an individual as a subject-agent and the very origin of the defi nition. The author highlights the inherent sense of justice. In conclusion, the author states that the methodologies of imparting the ideas of justice upon the younger generation and introducing such category into the social conscience have not changed
in modern times. The very same methods, which had been offered at the dawn of philosophy, are still valid, i.e. teaching the principles of justice, setting a personal example as a role model, fostering intra-personal understanding of concepts of integrity and justice through dialogue.
Keywords: justice, practice, realization, teaching, legal consciousness, society,
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Price: 50 рублей
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