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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 7, 2014

1863 University Charter аnd «The Fifth Estate» in Russia

M. V. Novikov, T. B. Perfilova
Price: 50 руб.
Contrary to the traditional approach (both liberal and conservative) to the legal environment of Imperial Russian universities, the article analyzes 1863 Charter from
the pragmatic perspective, i.e. the document’s contribution and its rationale for creating
a more favorable atmosphere for the development of academic process, including
teaching and research, and training of faculty in the major centers of higher learning
in Russia. The Charter is viewed as a major step towards further development of the
autonomy of Russian universities. Accordingly, the council of professors, a decision
maker on all principal matters of academic life, also became its highest managerial
body, albeit under control of the educational district trustee and Minister of Education.
Author points out that payroll positions for the faculty increased by 67 per cent. The
Charter envisaged replacement of teaching staff through the internal resources of the
universities, i.e. faculty training was undertaken by academic communities themselves.
The university councils were granted the right to determine fellows for “preparation to
professorship”, send candidates and Masters for study abroad in order to “prepare to
assume chair positions” and use freelance university lecturers more widely. The article
reviews procedures for the replacement of teaching staff, conferring scholarly degrees
and assigning academic ranks as established by the Charter. It also emphasizes the fact that faculty remuneration was doubled and their social status enhanced. The article also highlights the process of mastering various pedagogies by the faculty, as well as of improving methods of work with students.
Keywords: Imperial Russian universities, university charter, university autonomy,
professorial council, department, chair, faculty training, “the fi fth estate”, candidate,
Master, Doctor, freelance university lecturer, associate professor, full professor,
fellow, lecturer.
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Price: 50 рублей
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