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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 6, 2013 г.

Organizing Polytechnic Post-Graduate Students Individual Work on Required Reading Corpora (within ESP Course)

N. I. Almazova, M. S. Kogan
Price: 50 руб.
Multiple challenges for organizing an effective ESP language course for nonlinguistics
post-graduate students at St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University (SPbSPU) are inherently rooted in the broad spectrum of students’ majors in ESP classes. Diversity of students’ academic interests calls for new approaches and for tailoring the course in accordance with the students’ needs, thus making such course more effective. Our study represents an approach to individualizing the course by introducing data-driven learning (DDL) elements into the syllabus. More specifi cally, our approach is aimed at getting concordance of required readings in the English program for postgraduate students. The features of karTatekA concordance-type program are described along with in- and outside class activities based on the program’s features which were developed with an aim to activate new vocabulary from the assigned readings, improve command of basic grammar skills and empower the research potential of the student audience for the so-called “discovery” learning. The results of our preliminary study, as well as responses of post-graduate students to the introduction of DDL elements in
the ESP course are discussed. Other issues, which have emerged in the process
of teaching this course, are also addressed in this study.
Keywords: English for specifi c purposes (ESP), Datadriven learning (DDL), reading
corpus, concordance, software, activities, Google>books search engine.
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