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The Scientific Opinion №6 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2023

Archetypal Foundations of the Musical Consciousness of the Don Cossacks in the Context of Traditional Song Culture

Larissa V. Vinskaya
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/22225064_2023_74_109
Abstract. The article is devoted to understanding the essence and specifi city of the ethnic identity of the musical consciousness of the Don Cossacks, which is viewed through the prism of its archetypal prototypes. Musical consciousness is interpreted as a special internal mental activity of consciousness aimed at the formation of intonation-symbolic connections through frequently repeated internal subjective experiences (emotions, feelings) of a person/ethnic group in the context of the peculiarities of traditional culture. As a fundamental criterion of the ethnic identity of musical consciousness, the special conditions of the Cossacks’ life associated with military service and military type of culture were determined, which made it possible to consider the specifi city of the manifested musical consciousness through the identifi cation and analysis of its archetypal foundations. As the musical material of the study, the song genres of the Don Cossacks of the 18th – early 20th centuries were studied. As a result of the research, the author reveals the archetypal foundations of the musical consciousness of the Don Cossacks, which have deep semantic guidelines of the collective unconscious: the archetype of the Warrior (Hero), the archetype of the Circle (Meditation, Petition, Anima) (in the context of song genres of external life).
Keywords: musical consciousness, intonation, collective consciousness, archetype, ethnos, traditional culture, Cossacks, musical culture, song tradition
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