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Humanities and Science University Journal № 66 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2022

Panoramic Art as a Direction of Monumental Painting in China (exemplifi ed by the Panoramic Canvas ‘The Jinzhou Battle’)

Shan Jingyu
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Abstract. The paper is devoted to the research of Chinese panoramic art, which emerged as a result of the interaction between the Chinese and Soviet art schools. The author examines the impact of the Soviet school on the Chinese panoramic concepts. The paper showcases a series of the historical events of the 1980s, which contributed to the origin of the Chinese panorama. The author highlights the features of Chinese panoramic art based on the fi rst canvas in the Chinese art history — ‘The Jinzhou Battle’.
Keywords: monumental (mural) painting, Chinese panorama, military themes in art, 
the Jinzhou Battle
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