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The Scientific Opinion №9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020


T. V. Portnova
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.10.47.52
The  author  addresses  the  philosophical  understanding  of  dance  through  a  systematic presentation of various approaches to its understanding in the “Philosophy of Dance” course as part of the Master’s programme in choreography. The article considers the development of theoretical and practical skills of meaning formation by means of cho-
reographic art in the system of individual and social self-knowledge. The study of dance 
from a philosophical point of view makes it possible to see many facts in its structure 
and the history of development in general. Of particular importance is the expansion and 
deepening of the worldview and research interest of students in modern historical, philo-
sophical and aesthetic assessments of various aspects in the art of dance, analytical consideration of the range of philosophical interpretations of choreographic works and their inclusion in an independent process of comprehending of staging practice. With the help of competence characteristics, the author of the paper shows the importance of skills inphilosophical analysis of choreographic works, their assessment using anthropological, ethical and aesthetic criteria. Mastering the culture of thinking, the ability to perceive, analyse and generalise the aesthetic Bgurative principle in the context of studying the philosophical paradigm of dance contribute to the research interest in it.
Key  words:  philosophy of dance, research interest, humanisation of education, cho-
reographic culture.
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