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The Scientific Opinion №9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020


A. A. Nesterova
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.10.18.26
Responsibility is increasingly becoming the subject of study from the standpoint of various sciences today. A sociocultural request for a new type of teacher updated the research in the field of determining the essence of the teacher’s professional responsibility and the problems of its formation. The purpose of the article is to determine the initial theoretical foundations for designing the process of formation of the teacher’s responsibility. In this regard, the article analyses not only the ethical teachings of the past and the present, revealing the essence of the categories of “due” and “duty”, but also the work on the psychology of personality and the psychology of labour, revealing the specifics of “sense of duty”. 
Key words: teacher’s responsibility, deontology, moral duty, sense of duty, professional duty.  
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