Intercultural communication is one of the main tools for the interaction of cultures.
One of the conditions for the prosperous existence of society is the dialogue of
cultures, in which the image of the country plays a signi〰cant role. Culture performs
its communicative function since it is one of the main elements of interaction between
states. In the modern world, in connection with active socio-cultural and political-
economic cooperation, the role of interaction between the state and border countries
is increasing. One of the priority areas of world geopolitics is the interaction between
Russia and China. Intercultural Russian-Chinese communications have a long history
of formation and rich traditions. These similarities greatly simplify communication
between nations. Signi〰cant differences with the culture of Russia, which includes
the features of European and Asian ethnic groups, imply the search for new forms of
intercultural communication between states.
Key words: intercultural communication, culture, dialogue of cultures, country, China,
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