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The Scientific Opinion №7-8 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2020


Zhao Zheng
Price: 0 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2020.
The important role of teachers is unquestionable in society; in different times, countries 
or regions, expectations of the teacher’s role were different even among the same people. Therefore, it is very important to determine the range of expectations of students and society as a whole from the role of teachers, as well as teachers’ expectations from the role of students. This becomes especially important given the strengthening of the interethnic and intercultural integration of society, the increase in the number of profession-related intercultural exchanges and the number of teachers and exchange students from different countries.  In  addition  to  the  main  goal  of  economic  development,  educational  andcultural  goals  come  to  the  fore  in  the  interaction  of  various  countries,  therefore,  the importance of the role expectations of teachers and students increases signiĤcantly. In this study, we will limit ourselves to studying the role expectations of teachers. Most of the work on this topic is devoted to general analysis of the role expectations of teachers and students, regardless of the stage of education. However, when examining the role expectations of teachers, we Ĥnd that different social groups have different expectations from the teacher’s role at different stages of learning. Since university education is key for subsequent employment and acquisition of a certain social status, among many social groups, the expectations of students from the role of teachers are the most signiĤcant, especially since it is students who most closely interact with teachers in the formation of professional skills.
Key words: role expectation, teacher, student, teacher roles, teacher expectations roles.
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