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Humanities and Science University Journal № 58 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Musical Concepts of Chinese Composers Wang Guangqi and Xiao Yumei

Lu Shengxin
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Wang Guangqi and Xiao Yumei were the most famous persons in the 
world of Chinese music, who also contributed to the development of the 
traditional Chinese music. These musicians and theorists thought about 
the original path of Chinese musical culture, as well as about the features 
of its interaction with Western musical tradition in the fi rst half of the 20th 
century. Wang Guangqi and Xiao Yumei had a broad Chinese and Western 
scientifi c knowledge and an open mind, they were aware of their historic 
mission to create the “state music” of China. This paper is an introduction 
to studying the creative and theoretical concepts of two artists in order to 
identify similarities and differences in their approaches and ideas.
Keywords: Wang Guangqi, Xiao Yumei, musical creativity, national tradition, China.
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