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Humanities and Science University Journal № 57 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Musical And Dramatic Solution of the Image of the Russian Tsar in the Opera “Peter the First” by A. Petrov

Wang Wenjing
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The paper is devoted to the features of the musical and dramatic solu-
tion of the image of Peter the Great in the Opera under the same title by 
Andrey Petrov. The prerequisites for the creation of the Opera, especially 
the cultural and musical trends of the 1970s are traced. The author notes 
the relevance of bringing such a major historical fi gure as Peter the Great 
to the Opera stage as the main character. The author focuses on the 
analysis of the musical characteristics of the complex and multifaceted 
personality of the Tsar. In the process of the analysis, the author comes 
to the conclusion that there is no single detail in the Opera that would 
not play a role for displaying the personality of young Peter. The author 
substantiates the idea that the Russian Tsar in Petrov's Opera appears 
before the audience as a real person, unique personality, rather than a 
frozen historical fi gure.
Keywords: Peter the Great, Andrei Petrov, the image of the Russian tsar, opera, musical and dramatic solution.
1. Vash Andrey Petrov. Kompozitor v vospominaniyakh sovremennikov: sbornik 
statey / sost. O. Serdobol’skiy. SPb.: IP Knyazev, 2010. 384 s.
2. Istoriya sovremennoy otechestvennoy muzyki: uchebnoe posobie / red.-sost. 
E. B. Dolinskaya. M.: Muzyka, 2001. Vyp. 3. 656 s.
3. Markhasev L. S. Andrey Petrov. 2-e izd., dop. M.: Kompozitor, 1995. 143 s.
4. Filippova Yu. G. Muzykal’no-teatral’naya trilogiya o Peterburge // Problemy 
muzykal’noy nauki. Ufa, 2013. Vyp. 2 (13). S. 143–147. URL: https://elibrary.ru/down-
load/elibrary_20872508_86754281.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 07.12.2019).
5. Chetyre slova pro Andreya Petrova: sbornik statey / red.-sost. B. L. Berezovskiy. 
SPb.: Kul’tInformPress, 2000. 290 s.
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