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Humanities and Science University Journal № 57 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Issues of Meaningfulness of Genre and Style Notions in “Children’s Music”

T. S. Isupova, E. G. Sakayeva
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At the turn of the XX–XXI centuries, miniatures by contemporary compos-
ers fi rmly entered the musical practice of institutions of further education. 
Such a huge attraction of the new children’s repertoire is due to their 
didactic orientation, where in addition to the multi-faceted artistic and 
image sphere and the arsenal of performing means, a diverse palette of 
genre and style intents is actively attracted. The combination of the results 
of L. P. Novitskaya’s experimental research and the data of medical and 
social rehabilitation in neurology testifi es to the importance of the mean-
ingfulness of genre and style notions formed by a young musician, as it is 
the personality thesaurus of genre and style that is mutually conditioned 
by artistic and aesthetic imagery that promotes discovery and further 
development of its emotional potential.
Keywords: children’s music, genre and style notions, culture of perception, genre and 
stylistic thesaurus.
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