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Humanities and Science University Journal № 57 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Chinese Artistic Tradition, Refl ected in Contemporary Vocal and Instrumental Music, on the Example of the Song “Spring River, Flower Moonlit Night”

Li Yaxun
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The paper shows the existence of the Chinese folk song «Spring River, 
Flower Moonlit Night» for many centuries, its close relationship with 
the traditional and philosophical culture of China, with the poetic text. 
This song incorporates the «musical cultural code» of the nation. Without 
violating the traditional foundations, the modern thinking of Chinese 
composers has shown the possibility of adapting traditional musical 
material to its further development, taking into account the harmonious 
achievements of the 20th century European music. All this allows us to 
put the arrangement of the song «Spring River, Flower Moonlit Night» by 
the modern composer Xu Jingxin in the series of achievements of Chinese 
science and practice. The paper by Li Yaxun, “Chinese artistic tradition, 
refl ected in contemporary vocal and instrumental music, on the example of 
the song «Spring River, Flower Moonlit Night” is the fi rst to present this 
topic in Russian, which is its scientifi c novelty.
Keywords. Tradition, folk song, instruments, music, philosophy, poetry, existence, 
change, adaptation.
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