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Humanities and Science University Journal № 57 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Portraits of Chinese Emperors in the Works of G. Castiglione

Wang Yurong
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The article discusses the art of the Italian artist Giuseppe 
Castiglione and reveals his great contribution to the 
development of the traditional Chinese portrait painting. 
The author presents his main art-works within their 
classifi cation in the reign of the Qing dynasty.
Keywords: Giuseppe Castiglione, Qing dynasty, portrait painting, Court painter, Bochen school.
1. Dzhu de Yuan’, Tyan’ Tszyan’, Din Dzhun. Pridvornyi zhivopisets dinastii Tsin 
Lan Shinin. Pekin: Izdatel’stvo imperatorskogo dvortsa, 1988. S. 28.
2. Imperator Tsyan’lun provodit smotr voysk. Ofi tsial’nyi sayt Natsional’nogo 
muzeya Gugun. URL: https://www.dpm.org.cn/collection/paint/232552.html (data 
obrashcheniya: 15.06.2020).
3. Natsional’nyi muzey Gugun // Sbornik illyustratsiy Lan Shinina. Tyan’tszin’ 
Narodnoe khudozhestvennoe izdatel’stvo/ Tyan’tszin’. 1931. Tekstovaya chast’.
4. Pridvornaya masterskaya Dvortsovogo upravleniya Tsin № 1 // Letopis’ v pervyi 
god pravleniya Yunchzhena. Pekin: Narodnoe izdatel’stvo, 1723. S.196.
5. Chzhan Khunyuan’. Zapretnyi gorod—Paradnaya odezhda imperatorov dinastii 
Tsin. Pekin: Izdatel’stvo imperatorskogo dvortsa,1991. № 3. S. 33.
6. Yan Boda. Tvorcheskaya deyatel’nost’ i khudozhestvennye dostizheniya Lan 
Shinina v period pridvornoy sluzhby. Pekin: Izdatel’stvo natsional’nogo muzeya Gugun 
izdatel’stv, 1988. № 2. S. 9
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