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Humanities and Science University Journal № 57 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

The Role of the Violin Repertoire in the Development of Modern Concert Playing the Chinese Bowed Stringed Instrument Erhu

Wang Wei, S. I. Klyuchko
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Until the beginning of the 20th century, the traditional Chinese instrument 
erhu had been played in various instrumental ensembles. Infl uenced by 
Western musical theory and the practice of European violin playing, the erhu 
began to be used as a solo concert instrument. This led to development of 
performing techniques and required changes in the design of the instrument 
and in its repertoire. For decades, Chinese composers and performers have 
been shaping the repertoire for the solo erhu, striving to bring him closer 
to the best examples of the world instrumental art. This paper examines the 
role of the transcriptions of the violin repertoire masterpieces that, since the 
end of the 20th century, have been widely spread in the development of the 
modern concert practice of erhu. The active introduction of arrangements 
for violin works, among which virtuoso pieces turned out to be popular, had 
a huge impact on the improvement of performing skills, and made certain 
changes in the social status of erhu musicians.
Keywords: traditional Chinese music, traditional erhu repertoire, violin repertoire, 
cipher (or number) notation, playing techniques.
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