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Humanities and Science University Journal № 57 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Unique Character of Ritual Reconstruction in the Contemporary Polish Anthropological Theatre

P. М. Stepanova
Price: 0 руб.
The philosophy and praxis of theatre anthropology of the Polish innova-
tive director Jerzy Grotowski of the 1970s–1990s laid the groundwork 
for a complex cultural phenomenon of the modern Polish art — anthro-
pological theatre.  The basic method of work of theatrical companies 
following Grotowski’s vision consists in reconstruction of ritual-
theatrical forms originating in various epochs and cultures. Through 
examples of productions of Scholi Teatru Węgajty in late 20th — early 
21st centuries, the paper reveals unique techniques of reconstruction 
of the ritual structure based on free interpretation of the symbolic and 
axiological components of acting, thereby creating a new model of 
communication between the performer and the spectator in the modern 
theatre, which relies on joint participation in a ritual process.
Keywords: anthropological theatre, spectatorparticipator, structure of a ritual, corporal 
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