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Humanities and Science University Journal № 54 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

World of Childhood and Youth in the Sonatinas by Nikolai Rakov

O.I. Porizko, M.R. Chernaya
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The paper provides an overview of sonatinas for piano by the Rus-
sian composer of the 20th century Nikolai Rakov. Sonatinas repre-
sent a rich imaginative world close to children and the youth of the 
second half of the 20th century. The authors show the connection 
of the content with the means of musical expressiveness and the 
role of working on children’s repertoire with national foundations.
Keywords: composer N. P. Rakov, peda gogical reper toire,  sonatinas for piano.
1. Porizko O. I. N. P. Rakov. Sonatiny dlya fortepiano. Analiz, metodicheskie reko-
mendatsii: monografi ya. Novosibirsk: TsRNS, 2018. 100 s.
2. Porizko O. I. N. P. Rakov. «Tsikl 24 p’yesy dlya fortepiano vo vsekh tonal’no-
styakh»: Analiz, metodicheskie rekomendatsii: monografi ya. Novosibirsk: TsRNS, 
2014. 64 s.
3. Pushkin A. S. Sochineniya v 3-kh tomakh. / A. S. Pushkin. t. 1. M.: Khudozhest-
vennaya literatura, 1985. 735 s.; t. 2. M.: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1986. 528 s., 
t. 3. 494 s.
4. Rakov N. P. Sonatiny. Biblioteka yunogo pianista. Moskva: Sovetskiy kompozi-
tor, 1975. 77 s.
5. Rakov N. P. 24 p’yesy dlya fortepiano vo vsekh tonal’nostyakh. Moskva: Muzgiz, 
1963. 43 s.
6. Solovtsov A. A. N. P. Rakov. Nauchno-populyarnyi ocherk. Moskva: Sovetskiy 
kompozitor, 1958. 64 s.
7. Tyutchev F. I. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy / red. P. V. Bykova. SPb.: Izdanie t-va 
A. F. Marks, 1913. 468 s.
8. Kholopov Yu. V. Simfoniya shchedroy dushi. Moskva: Globus, 2011. 184 s.
9. Tsuker A. M. N. P. Rakov. Ocherk zhizni i tvorchestva. Moskva: Sovetskiy kom-
pozitor, 1979. 168 s.
10. Tsuker A. M. Skromnoe obayanie mastera // Muzykal’naya akademiya. № 4 
(764), 2018. S. 225–235.
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