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Humanities and Science University Journal № 52 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Piano art of China: the XXI century — Successes and Challenges

Ding Yi
Price: 50 руб.
The paper is devoted to the current state of Chinese piano art and considers the 
range of issues that arise at the present stage of its evolution. The indisputable 
achievements of the national piano school, which has advanced to the forefront 
on the global scale this century, have led to the emergence of many problems 
associated with the need to provide high-quality training for the multimillion-
strong army of future pianists — professionals and music lovers. The case is about 
diffi culties of the transition from an extensive to an intensive period of develop-
ment, when qualitative growth does not keep pace with a quantitative growth and 
a consistent decrease in the average level of piano art in all its forms occurs: 
performing, composing, and teaching ones. The paper attempts to consider vari-
ous ontological and epistemological aspects of Chinese piano culture related to 
the lack of qualifi ed personnel, inequality in access to quality pianistic training, 
and the lag in the fi eld of theoretical studies on modern pianism, etc.
Keywords: Piano art, modern pianism, Chinese specifi cs, ontological and episte-
mological issues.
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Price: 50 рублей
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