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Humanities and Science University Journal № 52 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2020

Sociological Metaphors in Landscape Painting

Liao Duma
Price: 50 руб.
At the time when people were enjoying urban culture, busy with self-admiration 
or self-beating, representatives of the aesthetics of romanticism that reigned in 
the West about a century ago, such as poet Friedrich Gцlderlin and philosopher 
Martin Heidegger, coldly outlined the emerging cultural crisis. At that time, the 
fi gures had already put forward the ideals of “homecoming” and “poetic life”. 
While other people admired the advent of the industrial era, progressive thinking 
allowed prominent fi gures such as naturalist John Muir and writer Henry Toro to 
remind the inhabitants of the Earth of the need to soberly assess the approach-
ing environmental and social crises. Watching the development of urban society 
become more and more “obscure” day by day, the artists who were the builders 
of the spiritual culture of humanity turned the perceived and observed changes 
in the social environment into the main themes of their creativity. In works of art 
of that time devoted to the environment, landscapes, people and other objects 
were a large-scale sociological metaphor. Speaking the language of painting, 
artists openly or by hints described the environment and demonstrated their 
own attitude towards it.
Keywords: environmental theme; metaphor; urban landscape; animal images.
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2. Zontag S. Protiv interpretatsii / per. s angl. Chen Vey. Shankhay: Perevodcheskoe 
izdatel’stvo Shankhaya, 2003. 
3. Kommoner B. Zamykayushchiysya krug. Tszilin’: Narodnoe izdatel’stvo provintsii 
Tszilin’ / per. s angl. Khou Ven’khuey. 1997. 
4. Fuko M. Nadzirat’ i nakazyvat’ / per. s fr. Lyu Beychen. Pekin: Zhizn’. Chtenie. 
Novye znaniya. Izdatel’stvo San’lyan’, 1999. 
5. Yan Dachun’. Ob issledovaniyakh Morisa Merlo-Ponti // Tendentsii fi losofi i, 
2001. № 7. 
6. Heidegger. М. Wegmarken. Frankfurt am Main: V. Klostermann, 1978.
Price: 50 рублей
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