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Humanities and Science University Journal № 51 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2019

The “Xie Yi” style of Dai Shihe Works

Zhang Hongtao
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the development of the traditional Chinese painting
style “Xie Yi”. The relevance and novelty of this article is in the fact
that it became necessary to study the style of “Xie Yi”, which radically
changed modern painting in China. The article deciphers the notion of the
“Xie Yi” style and reveals its features. This Chinese ancient style, which
existed for many centuries in traditional Chinese painting, and developed
in modern art on a new ideological and technical soil, has been given little
attention in research. In scientifi c literature there are separate references
to “Xie Yi” in modern oil painting. The purpose of the article is to consider
the development of the “Xie Yi” style in the works of modern painters. For
this, the following tasks are solved: the characteristics of the “Xie Yi” style
in Chinese traditional painting are given, its originality in contemporary
art is studied, the creativity of the Chinese painter Dai Shihe, which is the
ancestor of the “Xie Yi” style in modern Chinese oil painting, is analysed
from the perspective of the development of this style. The article analyses
the infl uence of his work on the further development of Chinese art.
Keywords: Chinese painting, “Xie Yi” style, oil painting, Dai Shihe, Song Dynasty
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Price: 50 рублей
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