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The Scientific Opinion №12 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2019

Traditional and Novel Aspects in A. A. Mylnikov’s Mature Works

Wang Chao
Price: 50 руб.
The article discusses A. A. Mylnikov’s works, belonging to his mature
years of artistic creativity. The examples of drawings, portraits,
landscapes and sculptures describe the main views and themes that
interested the master. The connection of the artist with the Chinese
Xie Yi painting style is also traced. Based on the analysis of the master’s
works presented at the anniversary exhibition, the traditional
and innovative views of A. A. Mylnikov are described.
Keywords: A. A. Mylnikov, realistic painting, Xie Yi painting.
1 Andrey Myl’nikov: al’bom / sost. K. K. Sazonova. L.: Avrora. 1977. 176 s.
2. Andrey Myl’nikov: katalog vystavki «Varianty» / sost. E. M. Yelizarova. SPb.:
Izd-vo In-ta im. I. E. Repina. 2007. 52 s.
3. K 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Andreya Andreyevicha Myl’nikova: al’bom /
sost. Vera Myl’nikova. SPb.: ARTINDEX. 2018. 276 s.
4. Ob iskusstve / Andrey Myl’nikov. URL: http://andreymylnikov.com/art/about-art/
(data obrashcheniya: 30.04.2019).
Price: 50 рублей
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