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The Scientific Opinion №12 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2019


M. N. Shvetsova
Price: 50 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH.22224378.2019.12.117.124
The article deals with the results of the study on a mother’s acceptance of her child 
of  primary  school  age  in  connection  with  her  self-acceptance  and  different  types  of assistance to her from the outside. The study sample of 60 respondents demonstrated 
a  high  level  of  acceptance  of  children.  The  factor  analysis  showed  that  a  mother’s acceptance of her child depends on two factors – self-relation of the mother and closeness of the relationship with the child. The more the mother accepts herself, respects herself, is able to show 墓exibility in behaviour, the more she accepts the child. The factor of closeness of the relationship with the child showed that the closer the emotional distance with the child (symbiosis received a large factor load), the more the mother accepts the child. The closeness of this relationship can, according to our results, be increased by the positive attitude and help of the child’s father and the negative attitude and lack of support from the immediate environment (relatives and friends).
Key  words:  acceptance of a child, primary school child, factors of acceptance of a 
child by a mother, maternal relation.
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